Body Treatments


Say goodbye to stubborn fat for good!


At Esthetique NY, our treatments are tailored to each person's body and body goals.


CLATUU Alpha Freeze

There’s no treatment that the CLATUU Alpha’s upgraded 360° surround cooling technology can’t handle! This impressive and innovative treatment is the very best in non-invasive stubborn fat removal.

PCDC (Phosphatidylcholine/Deoxycholate)

PCDC injections destroys fat cells in the body, which reduce the appearance of fat to give you a smoother and more contoured look. Try combining this with our amazing Clatuu Alpha fat freezing treatment with dual applicators.

BTL Exilis Ultra 360

New advanced technology that delivers radio-frequency energy to precisely target, tighten and tone your superficial or deep troubled area.

Start your journey to a new you.